Paralympic Squad

The introduction of the “Paralympicskader” (PAK, Paralympics Squad) was an important step for Team Deutschland Paralympics: Germany’s top athletes with a disability now come together under the PAK umbrella and duly receive improved funding as well as greater scope when it comes to managing the pressure of combining training with their careers or studies. On the road to the Paralympic Games, the focus can therefore be placed to a greater extent on elite performance sports.

Not only has individual funding been raised but the number of supported athletes has been significantly increased. “The Paralympic Squad is a major step going forwards. It means a far greater number of athletes have the chance to concentrate more on their sport whilst enjoying greater financial security. Our thanks go out to all those that have made it possible,” says the delighted DBS President Friedhelm Julius Beucher.

Team Deutschland Paralympics - Partner

The Paralympic Squad funding is made up of contributions from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, the Federal Ministry of Defence and the Federal Ministry of Finance as well as contributions from the top partners of Team Deutschland Paralympics – the Allianz Deutschland AG, the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe and Toyota Germany – plus the Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe (the German Sports Aid Foundation).

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